A foundation of prayer is the key element in running a successful business, Hobby Lobby CEO David Green told those gathered in Mobile on Oct. 1 for the 14th annual University of Mobile (UM) scholarship banquet.
“On my worst days prayer was the answer,” Green said.
UM alumna Chelsey Sayasane, co-host of Studio10 at WALA FOX10, interviewed Green throughout the evening and shared her personal story of how UM prepared her to integrate her faith into her professional calling.
Lonnie Burnett, UM interim president, said Green lives out the kind of servant leadership UM instills into its students.
“If we can teach our students servant leadership we have put in a good day’s work,” Burnett said.
The university’s Voices of Mobile ensemble performed several songs.
Hobby Lobby opened its first store in 1972 and now operates some 850 stores in 46 states with more than 37,000 employees.
Anointed for ministry
Green said he always felt his calling was in retail and shared how God is anointing him to do ministry through Hobby Lobby.
“Whatever God gives you to do, do your very best,” said Green as he encouraged students to not wait until they land the perfect job to start doing well but instead to do their best at whatever they are doing at the moment.
Green was accompanied by his wife Barbara and expressed how they both believe in spending time in prayer and following the word of God.
The Greens have been married 58 years and are actively involved in their church as well as many national and international Christian ministries and charities. (UM)
EDITOR’S NOTE — To view the full banquet video, click here.
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