Jerry Falwell

Jerry Falwell

In the Oct. 11 edition of The Alabama Baptist read the letter submitted by a gentleman who described himself as “shocked.”

He was speaking in reference to the comments of Rev. Jerry Falwell following the events of Sept. 11. As a fellow minister of the gospel, two things that he said troubled me. First he said, and I quote: “I am shocked that a famous Southern Baptist preacher claimed that God had motive in the terrorist attacks.”

I would remind all of us that God is in complete control and that things happen only because God permits them. I would also reminds us that Scripture declares that “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”

As smart as we are, we still don’t measure up to God. Sometimes we don’t understand and at times we even question but, make no mistake, God was not caught by surprise on Sept. 11.

The second comment was this: “What will protect us from preachers who turn people off just as they are turning to God for love and comfort?” Did you ever stop to think that Rev. Falwell was and is trying to protect people from something far worse than a terrorist attack?

The Bible calls it the wrath of God. People want to hear about the love of God, of His goodness and grace.

However, there is another side of God that people don’t want to hear about. God is a righteous judge and a jealous God, slow to anger but one whose wrath is fierce.

God’s Word declares any nation that turns from God is destined for destruction. I love American and I love my fellow Americans. But the moral decay of this nation has reached an all-time high. If people don’t hear the truth and heed the truth, judgment is sure and certain. The preacher is not what you need protection from.

Gary Holloway
McKenzie, Ala.