Jones, disciple-making force, marks 10 years at Prospect Baptist, Eclectic

Jones, disciple-making force, marks 10 years at Prospect Baptist, Eclectic

David Jones came to a point in his bivocational ministry at Prospect Baptist Church, Eclectic, when the church had grown to the point he felt they could really benefit from a full-time pastor.

And as Jones — who had a full-time job in corporate finance — weighed the idea of stepping down from the pastorate, he realized something.

“The Lord revealed to me I was resigning the wrong job.”

He became Prospect Baptist’s full-time pastor, and God continued to move in the church. It grew into a disciple-making force, and Jones himself continued to disciple both men in the church and people who worked in the corporate world.

“It’s just been a joy to serve alongside the people of Prospect Baptist Church in carrying the gospel of Jesus Christ into our community,” said Jones, who marks 10 years at the church this month. “We’ve seen the baptismal waters stirred, souls saved and lives changed. It’s been a joy, and I’m blown away at the way I’ve seen the hand of God work in our lives.”