Kazakh pastor sentenced to 7 years restricted freedom

Kazakh pastor sentenced to 7 years restricted freedom

ASTANA, Kazakhstan — More than 12 weeks after his arrest by Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee secret police, Seventh-day Adventist Yklas Kabduakasov was sentenced to seven years’ restricted freedom by a court in the capital Astana on Nov. 9. Both Kabduakasov and his community repeatedly denied prosecution accusations that he spread “religious discord” when discussing his faith with and offering Christian books to others.

“My father’s religious liberties and basic human rights were violated by the fact that he was kept under arrest without any grounds since Aug. 14 and has now been sentenced,” said one of his sons, Alibek Kabduakasov, who acted as his public defender. 

Alibek Kabduakasov said they are preparing to appeal against both the punishment and his “unlawful arrest.”

Until 2022,  Yklas Kabduakasov will have to live under close scrutiny. The judge banned him from leaving the city and changing his place of residence or place of work without permission. He also was banned from visiting places of public entertainment, such as cafes and restaurants.

Yklas Kabduakasov has been fined about $490.
