Lake Highland gets fresh paint from partnership

Lake Highland gets fresh paint from partnership

Many take pride in the maintenance of their homes and often they come together with others in fellowship to maintain their church homes. 
When the Birmingham Baptist Association executive committee announced it would be holding its April meeting at Lake Highland Baptist Church, Pastor Ken Daniel knew his church could use some fresh paint. But with only 60–70 regular attendees and most of them older retirees, he knew it would be no easy task.
Daniel mentioned the need to repaint the fellowship hall in passing to Bobbie VanAtta, a member of Hunter Street Baptist Church, Hoover. VanAtta was helping Lake Highland Baptist plan its Vacation Bible School (VBS).
VanAtta took the need back to Hunter Street Baptist, and within a short time, the church had a team of volunteers ready to do the work.
On April 9, Daniel arrived at Lake Highland at 7:45 a.m. to bring coffee and doughnuts and prepare for the 8 a.m. arrival of the volunteers. He was amazed to see the Hunter Street mini-bus already there with 15 adults and a few children.
“Immediately they had things organized,” Daniel said. “Two or three started taping and others were taking items off the walls.”
The fellowship hall seats 100 to 150 people, and the team quickly had it finished and asked if there was more they could do. By 11 a.m. the team had painted the kitchen, the men’s bathroom and a 60–foot hallway connecting the education building to the fellowship hall.
“They were a godsend. They made us feel special, and they were eager to come back,” Daniel said. “It has given us a whole new look at ourselves. A fresh coat of paint has re-energized us.”
The painting project, plus a seven-year partnership planning and organizing VBS, has built a strong sense of fellowship between the two churches.
“Anything we need done, we can depend on them. I am just overwhelmed by their willingness to help,” Daniel said. “This is what Birmingham Baptists are about, helping other churches and not asking for anything in return, just showing their love to us.”