LifeWay special-needs ministry marks 30 years

LifeWay special-needs ministry marks 30 years

NASHVILLE — This fall, LifeWay Christian Resources celebrates the 30th anniversary of publishing printed Sunday School lessons for special-needs learners, resources that were rare prior to the late 1970s. 

“The thread of neediness and disabilities runs throughout Scripture,” Gene Nabi said as he reflected on LifeWay’s 30-year-old decision to create resources for the special-needs community. Nabi, who is now retired, served as LifeWay’s second special-needs ministry consultant. “Parents have a desperate need as to what kind of spiritual nurture can be given to their children.”

Originally spearheaded by Doris Monroe, the special-needs ministry area of LifeWay’s church resources division has led the way in publishing leader and learner resources that encourage churches to include everyone in the Great Commission.

LifeWay now encourages a range of options for children with special needs, including learning buddies, separate classes and other options. In 2007, LifeWay launched “Bible Teaching for Kids: Special Buddies,” curriculum geared toward children in first through sixth grades.  

“We’ve gone from our first publication, which was all black-and-white text, to a multisensory curriculum filled with colorful visuals and hands-on teaching ideas,” said special-needs resources editor Ellen Beene, who has been with LifeWay for 24 years.