Mat Alexander, senior pastor of First Baptist Church Gadsden and a 2008 University of Mobile graduate, kicked off the first week of chapel services Jan. 15 for 2025 at his alma mater, speaking from 1 John 1–4.
Alexander acknowledged there might be skeptics in the audience or those struggling in their faith journey, and shared the testimony of a singer/songwriter who at one time thought he would be a pastor, but somewhere along the way lost his faith. Alexander noted that while this songwriter reflects on the faith he lost, his lyrics still cry out to God.
“You cannot escape a desire to know God,” Alexander declared. “We are wired to know God, to love God and to experience God’s love for us. Even for someone who is blasphemous or angry at God, there is still a desire to know God.”
Presenting three foundational truths about the gospel for students to build their lives upon as they start a new semester and look beyond college, Alexander told the group that Jesus is the center of the gospel, the church is built on it and joy is its fruit.
‘Good news of the gospel’
“The good news of the gospel — that’s what I’ve come to preach today,” Alexander said. “When I was at University of Mobile, the gospel of Jesus Christ gripped my life and I can’t let go of it. The good news of the gospel is that we can know God, we can see God and we can experience God because God came to us. God has drawn near to us.”
Alexander noted he was very involved in campus ministries during his time at the university, and encouraged students to do the same, along with being involved in a local church to be mentored, discipled and fellowship with other believers.
“My spiritual life wouldn’t be what it is today without the guidance, growth and friendship I experienced during my time here,” he said. “Don’t take it for granted or take lightly the opportunities you have here. Take advantage of the beauty and joy of being on a Christian campus. … Also develop a solid commitment to a local church, volunteer for a DNow or serve in the church nursery. You will learn from other believers and grow in your faith by serving in a local church.”
The message concluded with an invitation for students to turn to Jesus if they did not have a personal relationship with Him or needed to repent.
“In Christ, there is fullness of joy,” Alexander said. “Jesus stands today welcoming you with arms wide open.”
UM has a video of Alexander’s message posted on its YouTube channel here.
Today’s (Jan. 29) chapel speaker is Andrew Walker, associate dean of the School of Theology and associate professor of Christian ethics and public theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Last week’s chapel was cancelled because of weather conditions related to a rare snow storm in the area. A full lineup of this semester’s chapel speakers is available from UM here.
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