Ministry Tip — Learning to think like a newcomer

Ministry Tip — Learning to think like a newcomer

By Chip Warren

Minister of education, FBC Albertville

Have you ever put yourself in the place of a newcomer to your church? A newcomer is a guest or a new member. If we want guests to return and new members to stick around, then we must learn to think like them.

Tip 1: In all forms of communication, use language that is understood by newcomers. Baptists are known for using initials for programs and even our facilities. Newcomers to the faith or our church don’t know what WMU, GAs, RAs or VBS is, or what the meeting location of an FLC, ROC or MMF is, much less where it is. Communicate to the entire church as if they were all newcomers. It may surprise you how this practice will help those who are not so new.

Tip 2: Don’t assume that newcomers know anything about your church. I cannot tell you how many newcomers have asked me the cost for their child to attend Vacation Bible School. Communicate that it is free.

Tip 3: A newcomer’s class is an absolute must. Not only can you communicate the basics of the Christian life, but anything and everything about your church ministries, practices, schedules and building.

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