Having recently relocated to Huntsville, Ala., I read The Alabama Baptist for the first time yesterday. In general, the paper seems to serve a good purpose and provides reasonable information regarding Baptist interests and issues. I was very surprised, though, with a front-page article “Miss Alabama Shares Her Faith.”
Although the article recognized Jana Sanderson as the current “Miss Alabama” for sharing her faith, I do not think such recognition in a Christian publication is appropriate. The article indicated Sanderson participated in and won part of the swimsuit competition for the “Miss Alabama” pageant.
My comment is not directed at Sanderson as I do not know her, but recognizing anyone who participates in what should be considered inappropriate activity. Beauty pageants that require women to pose in swimsuits are, in my opinion, activities in which I would not permit my daughters to participate.
Gerald R. Prichard
Huntsville, Ala.
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