New Graphic Design Concentration Begins Fall Semester

New Graphic Design Concentration Begins Fall Semester

The University of Mobile (UMobile) is offering a new concentration in graphic design, and the first course begins fall semester.

Introduction to Computer Graphics (AR 226) is open to students in all majors and years. The introductory course will be taught by award-winning graphic designer Jason Thomas, of Fairhope. Additional courses will be offered each semester, with plans ultimately to expand the program into a graphic design major.

“Our goal is to produce students who combine a cross-disciplinary perspective with excellent skills in studio art, research, writing and a high level of visual literacy. The program will prepare students for design jobs within the advertising market and successful careers in a wide range of fields, including web design and developmental computer graphics,” said Phillip Counselman, assistant professor of art and chair of the UMobile department of art.

Students will use new Apple iMac computers, Wacom tablets and Xante graphics printers in courses that will provide hands-on experience.

Students may register now for the introductory course. For more information about the graphic design concentration, contact Counselman at or 251-442-2283.