By Carrie Brown McWhorter
The Alabama Baptist
Men are fighting a battle every day to be the godly men, husbands and fathers they are meant to be. No Man Left Behind training seeks to help them fulfill that calling.
No Man Left Behind is a two-day training designed for leaders and ministry teams who are committed to reaching men in the context of the local church. Bethany Baptist Church, Andalusia, will host No Man Left Behind training Feb. 17–18. The conference begins at 6:30 p.m. on Friday night and ends at 4 p.m. on Saturday.
No Man Left Behind takes a 3-D approach to men’s ministry: Develop, Disciple and Deploy. The No Man Left Behind strategy does not require new programs or curriculum but instead takes advantage of what a church is already doing and gives church leaders tools to assess, plan and implement their vision for men’s ministry. The result is an environment where the Holy Spirit inspires men to engage in life-on-life discipleship, according to facilitators Brett Clemmer and Steve Hutton of Man in the Mirror, the men’s ministry who conceived No Man Left Behind 3-D.
Workshop topics focus on both short-term and long-term goals and include time for discussion and planning, which is why organizers suggest that at least two men from each church attend the conference. In addition to training materials and planning tools, teams will receive a one-year subscription to online training to assist in implementation of their strategy.
The end result is renewed vision and passion and a customized game plan for engaging and discipling men in the church, Clemmer says. Churches that have implemented the No Man Left Behind model report that on average they see a 48 percent increase in attendance at church among men and 84 percent more men involved in discipleship.
Registration, which includes materials and meals on Saturday, is discounted for pastors and is open online at
Men’s leaders, laymen and pastors all are encouraged to attend the interdenominational training. The event is co-sponsored by Iron Works Ministries of Covington County. For more information, contact Bryan Richardson at 407-472-2119 or visit
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