Pastor remembered

Pastor remembered

Pastor John L. Smith went to heaven from Helena on Aug. 28. This was a fine man of God who taught me a valuable lesson, which I hope never to forget.

In September of 1959, when he was pastor of West End Baptist Church in Birmingham, I walked into prayer meeting on a Wednesday night never planning to return. As a new student at Birmingham-Southern and living briefly with relatives, I was looking for a church home, one just like the country church at Nauvoo where I had grown up. West End was too big, and evidently too rich, and presumably too formal. I knew they would not teach the Word and the people would be unfriendly.

That night, Dr. Smith taught a wonderful Bible study. I recall sitting there thinking, “Okay, they teach the Word, but I know they’re not friendly.” Pastor Smith called on someone for the benediction and walked back to where we were sitting. He introduced us to other members and called across the room for Minister of Music Larry Andrews who took us on a tour of the building that evening.

The next night, the three of us were seated in choir rehearsal. On Sunday, I fell in with the greatest group of godly young people and loving adults I had ever met.

During my college years in that church, I was baptized, met my wife, was called to preach, married and ordained. All because a pastor got it right on a Wednesday night.

Dr. Smith used to tell about a pastor calling on “Bro. Smith” to lead the offertory prayer. He said, “Twenty-eight men began to pray.” The pastor said, “I’m sorry. I meant Bro. John Smith.” And all but 17 stopped.

To me there will always be only one “Bro. Smith.” I’m eternally grateful for this man of God who remembered to do his job well even on a Wednesday night and so was used of God to turn around a young man’s life.

Joe McKeever
Kenner, La.