By Crystal S. Bachus
Special to The Alabama Baptist
Allow me to tell you what Sanctity of Human Life Sunday means to me. Consider Becky (see photo). Becky learned she was pregnant. Again. She knew as a single mother already raising a young daughter in the 70s, she simply could not care for another child (who happened to be me) at this time in her life. She feared she could not provide for the basic needs of both children. She would have to sacrifice. She loved both children before they were born. God loved both children before either of them were even formed in the womb.
Becky had a choice. She was told to abort me because I was conceived in her affair with a married man.
Unplanned pregnancy
Despite the world’s pressures to end the unplanned pregnancy, including close family members who strongly encouraged the abortion, she chose life. My life.
Upon my birth I was immediately placed with my forever family who has graciously loved and raised me as their own flesh and blood from the moment they knew I was coming home with them. My momma, daddy, big sister and big brother — a forever family who welcomed me into their loving home. Me … a child whose birth mother loved her enough to give her a second chance at a life she couldn’t give. A forever family who loved me enough to take me in and love me with every fiber of their being and provided for my every need. Still does.
I love my birth mother for the God-honoring decision she made and I cherish the relationship we are building. We met for the first time Nov. 17, 2012 (the day the photo was taken).
Forever family
I love my forever family for the endless love they continue to show me on a daily basis. I love my Creator, my Heavenly Father for the sacrificial love He offers through His death on the cross and the eternal gift of salvation. Love. There was so much love from every aspect of that one decision. That one choice — Love, Life, Live.
Lover of life
God is a lover of life — “You formed me in my mother’s womb” (Ps. 139:13).
Since God formed us and created us, it stands to reason that we are of value to Him. Jesus made it clear that He came to give life “and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
There are many passages in God’s Word that say God created life and loves life and values life. On Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, I honor my Heavenly Father with my life. A life He created. A life He values.
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