William R. Norman, an emeritus Southern Baptist missionary to Nigeria and Ghana, died June 28. He was 76. A native of Montgomery, Norman and his wife, the former Lois Williams of Selma, were appointed by the International Mission Board in 1954.
He served as a physician at Baptist hospitals in Joinkrama, Eku, Nalerigu and Ogbomosho, with a break in service from 1975 to 1983.
The Normans retired in 1991. Norman was a graduate of Auburn University and Nashville’s Vanderbilt University. Prior to missionary appointment, he interned at Nashville General Hospital and had a residency in general practice at Lallie Kemp Charity Hospital in Independence, La. Between missionary tenures, he had a residence in internal medicine at the UAB Montgomery internal medicine residency program and was a physician at Montgomery’s Veterans Administration Medical Center.
He is survived by his wife, one daughter, two sons and four grandchildren.
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