‘Right on Target’

‘Right on Target’

You were right on target with the recent editorial concerning soul competency and the priesthood of the believer. This doctrinal belief is one of the foundational stones of Baptist faith and should be cherished and defended. Dr. Mohler is clearly wrong in his statements and intrepretations as is Dr. Lucas of Southern Seminary.

I for one am tired of such self-appointed interpreters of God’s Word trying to usurp my right to approach God for myself, interpret Scripture for myself, think for myself, act for myself and live my faith according to the dictates of my own conscience and the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life.

As a pastor, I know too well that I can never ever be the go-between for another human being in their relationship with God. I am called to preach the great gospel of Jesus Christ, attempt to model Christianity in my life and lead the congregation of God’s people I have the privilege to serve through His guidance. I convey through messages, teaching and personal interaction the shared beliefs and faith that makes us distinctly Baptist. But God has given to each person the ability to think for themselves and make their own decisions. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. I trust the Holy Spirit of God to convict, lead and guide individuals in their faith journey.

John E. Sparks

Lafayette, Ala.