Secular society offers ‘de-baptism’ certificates

Secular society offers ‘de-baptism’ certificates

LONDON — A secular organization in Britain that backs an atheist ad campaign on London’s buses is now producing “certificates of de-baptism” for people wishing to renounce their Christian faith — and claims it is getting thousands of takers.

The National Secular Society (NSS) says more than 100,000 ex-worshipers have downloaded the de-baptism certificates from its Web site and that thousands of others have ordered up parchment versions at about $4 a copy.

The NSS Web site ( advertises the certificates this way: “Liberate yourself from the Original Mumbo-Jumbo that liberated you from the Original Sin you never had.”

The British initiative is among the latest in a series of atheist-oriented campaigns in Europe. Italy’s Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics, for instance, sponsored a nationwide De-Baptism Day last October to encourage Roman Catholics to renounce their church affiliation.