Baptist Press has named Shawn Hendricks to the position of managing editor, effective Oct. 28.
Hendricks has been managing editor of the Biblical Recorder, newsjournal of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, since 2011 and was a senior writer with the International Mission Board when he joined the Recorder's staff. He was an International Mission Board writer for nearly 10 years, 2002–11, handling assignments in more than 20 countries.
Hendricks also worked as a news and feature writer with the State Gazette daily newspaper in Dyersburg, Tenn., 1997–98; public relations staff writer at Hannibal-LaGrange University in Hannibal, Mo., 1998–99; and news and feature writer at the former Missouri Baptist newsjournal Word & Way, 1999–2002.
A 1996 communication arts/journalism graduate from Union University in Jackson, Tenn., Hendricks completed internships with the Indiana Baptist, newsjournal of the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana, and The Jackson Sun (Tenn.) daily newspaper. He is a native of Troy, Mo.
Hendricks replaces Michael Foust, who in July became editor of Off The Grid News, a Christian-owned news website based in Illinois. Foust served at Baptist Press for 10 years, first as assistant editor and then as associate editor.
Baptist Press ( and @baptistpress) is the news service of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). It is a ministry assignment of the SBC Executive Committee.
Roger S. ("Sing") Oldham, vice president for convention communications and relations with the Executive Committee, announced Hendricks's selection Sept. 23. Hendricks "brings a breadth of experience and proven journalistic skills to this position at Baptist Press," Oldham said. "He is a gifted writer and editor. He is equally comfortable in social media and will strengthen our ability to engage younger readers with quality content. We anticipate continued growth as Shawn works with Baptist Press to tell the compelling story of Southern Baptists' cooperative and collaborative Kingdom work."
Baptist Press editor Art Toalston said Hendricks embodies "first-rate journalism alongside an aptitude for its ever-evolving variants; keen awareness of Southern Baptists' heart for missions and evangelism; and a heart for spiritual growth wherever the Lord leads. We look forward to Shawn expanding on the great work that Michael Foust accomplished during his 10 years with Baptist Press."
In joining Baptist Press' staff, Hendricks said, "It will be a privilege to continue reporting on missions, ministry and other important events throughout this country and around the globe.
"I will definitely miss North Carolina and the Biblical Recorder," he added. "During my time here, I have enjoyed helping to report on God's work in this great state and beyond. I also have had the privilege of working alongside a talented, hard-working and dedicated team. They have been a blessing."
Biblical Recorder editor Allan Blume said Hendricks "has been a valuable part of the Biblical Recorder's team. He is a gifted journalist and a hard-working manager. While I am very sad that he is leaving us, I recognize the valuable contribution his skills will bring to the larger Southern Baptist family in his new role. We will miss Shawn and his family very much."
Hendricks is the program co-chair for the Baptist Communicators Association's (BCA) 2014 annual meeting at the LifeWay Conference Center in Ridgecrest, N.C. In 2011, he won first-place BCA awards in both news and feature writing.
Hendricks and his wife, Stephanie, have a 5-year-old daughter Laura.
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