Silver Bells

Silver Bells

Pure Flix Entertainment

Haven’t had your fill of made-for-TV Christmas movies? Me neither. Want a movie that you can let your small children or grandchildren watch — that you will actually want them to watch? You might want to try “Silver Bells,” a new movie out on DVD.

“Silver Bells” is the story of a sportscaster whose competitiveness gets the better of him and causes his life to cascade in a downward spiral. The movie is predictable from beginning to end and has a few scenes that play awkwardly because of less than stellar acting; but veteran actor Bruce Boxleitner carries the movie and helps overcome some of the less-polished acting.

The true story of Christmas shines through in the movie, not just politically correct warm fuzzies about good will and peace, but a clear, if a bit soft-pedaled, message of the transforming power of Christ.