For more than 20 years The Alabama Baptist (TAB) has been an award-winning newspaper. The most recent award season — for work done in 2018 — resulted in TAB again bringing home numerous honors including being named top among Associated Church Press’ (ACP) Best in Class for regional Christian newspapers.
TAB also received an award of excellence in regional newspapers from Religion Communicators Council (RCC).
TAB was awarded second place in state Baptist newspapers by Baptist Communicators Association (BCA) and earned an award of merit in print newspapers from Evangelical Press Association (EPA).
The Dec. 13, 2018, issue received awards of excellence from RCC and ACP. The special issue, Celebrating 175 Years, published March 15, 2018, won first place in its category from BCA and won awards of merit from RCC and ACP. The Alabama Baptist State Convention Report, published Nov. 22, 2018, also received honorable mention from ACP.
The TAB News podcast won awards of excellence from RCC for radio program or series and podcast series, and won third place for overall show from BCA.
TAB News for Dec. 20, 2018, featuring Tray Lovvorn of Undone Redone received an award of excellence from RCC, and TAB News for Aug. 28, 2018, eSports Ministries and Christian Higher Ed, was awarded second place by BCA.
TAB also won an award of merit from RCC for social media, single posting for the Burns family update on July 9, 2018. TAB’s social media is managed in partnership with Dogwood Media Solutions.
TAB’s website,, was awarded honorable mention by ACP, and individual staff members also won awards:
Grace Thornton, special assignments editor, is the BCA Leonard Holloway Award Winner for her portfolio of work for Baptist Press and TAB. She also won first place in feature writing, single article, more than 1,500 words for “Kingdom legacy,” in the Oct. 11, 2018, issue, and second place in feature writing, single article, less than 750 words for “Covered in mud, washed in the blood” in the Oct. 18, 2018, issue, both from BCA.
EPA awarded Thornton fourth place in personality article for “Leaving a legacy” in the Dec. 6, 2018, issue.
Carrie Brown McWhorter, content editor, was awarded second place in feature writing, single article, 750–1,500 words for “Gaming: a new missions field” in the July 26, 2018, issue by BCA and EPA.
McWhorter also received an honorable mention from ACP for her article “Rolling Billboard” in the Aug. 30, 2018, issue.
Jennifer Davis Rash, editor-in-chief, was awarded first place by BCA for her blog post “Live a life worthy of the sacrifice.” She also received an award of excellence in photography, single photo from RCC for “Snowy TAB” featured on the front page of the Dec. 20, 2018, issue.
Writer Martha Simmons received an award of excellence for the series “A look at mass incarceration in Alabama,” which can be viewed at
Editor-emeritus Bob Terry also earned several awards for his work in 2018 as detailed on page 2 of the May 2, 2019, issue.
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