I agree with the public display of the Ten Commandments. They are on a wall behind the Federal Supreme Court bench in Washington. I also believe Judge Moore is a man of sincere faith, who stood courageously for his beliefs.

But I have a question I would ask those who gave verbal or personal support of Judge Moore and the display of the Ten Commandments: “Can you recite the Ten Commandments in order?” I have preached sermons on the Ten Commandments through more than 45 years of pastoral ministry. Each time I asked if someone could recite the Ten Commandments in order. The response was always “underwhelming.” It could be an embarrassing experience for so many who are verbal about the Ten Commandments, but who cannot recite them.

I like what God said in Jeremiah 31:33: “I will put my law in their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” If God’s commandments are not important enough for us to memorize, then how can we claim we have let God write them on our hearts? It seems there’s a large gap between profession and performance. I wonder how many church members know where the Ten Commandments are in the Bible. I don’t mean to be nasty about it, but I think it is an important question.

Rudy Tidwell

Valley, Ala.