Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments

I was privileged to join with Christians from across America in Montgomery to show support for Roy Moore’s attempt to preserve the right to acknowledge God in our state judicial building. One missing element at these events has been the leaders of our state convention, our pastors and our people. Baptist leaders often quote John Maxwell. He said, “Everything rises or falls on leadership.” Let me add some proverbs to Maxwell’s statement: “If there is a mist in the pulpit, there’s a fog in the pew” and “It’s too late to shut the gate once the horse is out.”

Where were our leaders as we watched a humanistic federal judge strip away our religious freedom and heritage? The apathetic church has allowed these left-wing judges to remove God and prayer from public schools, legalize the murder of the unborn, legalize sodomy and soon will legalize same-sex marriages or civil unions. The goal of these disciples of Satan is to silence the message of the church, and they are well on their way to accomplishing their goal. My question to the church is “When is enough, enough?”

Jimmy Wagnon
Gadsden, Ala.