Director of Missions
Bessemer Baptist Association
I grew up in a great home with godly Christian parents and three older brothers who were already Christians by the time I was old enough to be aware of such things. So it was a natural thing for me to know about God when I was young.
We talked to Him regularly in our family and faithfully attended church.
When I was 6 years old, we had a revival meeting at church, and many people came forward to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.
My cousin was one of them.
He asked me if I wanted to be baptized with him and I said, “Yes,” but I didn’t know what to do. He instructed me to just answer yes to everything our pastor asked.
So, at age 6, I knew about God and became a member of the church, but I didn’t know Him personally.
Ten years later, I was challenged by another revival preacher to examine my relationship to God.
I realized I had never acknowledged my sin and prayed to receive Jesus.
At that time, I turned from my sin and asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.
Since that moment, I have been aware of God’s presence in me. I know Him personally.
You can know God also. It is as simple as ABC.
A — Admit you are a sinner and need a Savior.
B — Be willing to turn from your sin and trust Jesus as the Lord of your life.
C — Call on Jesus and confess Him as Lord.
The joy of knowing God is made even greater by knowing that we will live with Him forever.
Trust Jesus now and find a local Baptist church where you can get help in your daily walk with Him.
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