Wilkerson retires from SBC business, finance role

Wilkerson retires from SBC business, finance role

NASHVILLE — The man behind the planning and execution of the annual meeting for Southern Baptists retired Sept. 30.

John R. (Jack) Wilkerson, vice president of business and finance for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee, has worked year-round since 1993 organizing each year’s assembly.
Wilkerson came to the role after working nearly 29 years with DuPont. He retired from DuPont at age 50 because he and his wife, Brenda, sensed a call to full-time ministry.

A native Virginian, Wilkerson’s role has also included oversight of the receiving and disbursing of Cooperative Program funds and designated gifts, as well as daily management and maintenance of the seven-story SBC building in Nashville.