Wyatt, Harriet

Wyatt, Harriet


Harriet Wyatt is someone you should know because West End Baptist Church in Clanton recently recognized her for 44 years of perfect Sunday School attendance.

Q: How have you attacked Sunday School every week for 44 years?

A: The last time I missed was Jan. 18, 1959. I have gone with sore toes, pneumonia, stomach aches, flu and everything. Once you start not missing, you try harder not to miss. I hope it would encourage young people to have a record of not missing Sunday School. The Lord has helped me, because otherwise I couldn’t have done this and I have had encouragement from fellow members and pastors.

Q: What does it demand of you?

A: A lot of get up and go. If you have got a headache, you take an aspirin and go. Church is the most important thing. If you have to go to work on Monday, you would get up and go.

Q: What do you get out of going to Sunday School?

A: You fell like a different person if you go. That’s a part of my life. I enjoy being with fellow church members and friends.

Q: What led you to it?

A: We just started going, and my husband and I both had jobs in Sunday School. We just accepted the responsibility of being there.

Q: How do your family members support you?

A: They have supported me all the way. My husband had 23 years of perfect attendance until he died of lung cancer in 1983. My sons had 10 and 12 years of perfect attendance until they had to work on Sundays.

Q: Do you see yourself involved in Sunday School in the future?

A: Yes, I hope so. I really plan to continue as long as I am able. I will be 80 years old in October.