Glenn Brock is Some You Should Know because he just celebrated his 20th year anniversary as pastor of Camellia Baptist Church, Prattville. Through the years, he has helped countless people in need through his hospital care giving ministry.
Q: Why did you begin this ministry?
A: I believe that God has given me the gift of mercy to be able to help people in hurting situations. I started visiting people and praying for people who were having surgery and diagnosed with terminal diseases. I try to minister to people during the times when they are hurting physically and emotionally.
Q: What does it demand?
A: Being the pastor of Camellia has been a lifestyle of growth. I do not view my ministry as a job; it is a lifestyle of giving and growing. God has asked me to give my life to the people that God has given me the privilege to pastor.
Q: How do your family members support you in your ministry?
A: My wife has been as much a part of the ministry as I have. She feels that God has called her to be a pastor’s wife, and she has her own ministries. Both of my children have been very supportive of ministry, and they have their own ministries as well.
Q: How do you see yourself involved in the ministry in the future?
A: Definitely believing that God has called me into pastoral ministry, I don’t see myself doing anything else than what I am doing- sharing the gospel, leading people to Christ and ministering to people in their times of suffering and need.
Q: What difference have these ministries made in your life?
A: Being in the ministry and doing ministry requires that I relate to God in a personal way and walk with Christ day by day. It has caused me to realize my dependence on Him.
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