Summer Safari 2007 will depart from Atlanta May 19. There is still space for males on this eight-week trip. College and seminary students are invited to join us in Malawi, working alongside nationals in Kokolaland to build an earth dam, using manual labor only.
For information and to apply, visit
At one Training for Trainers venue in a village called Njali, more than 150 people have come to faith in Christ recently. They faced the problem of how to form a church. So the group of nationals selected a few faithful men and women who are able to teach others. The group has selected Easter Sunday to do their big baptismal service and launch Njali Baptist Church.
Please pray for these new believers to grow strong in their faith. Pray that they will continue to be faithful to share what they have learned with others.
Bob, Pam, John and Daniel Brownfield
Malawi and Mozambique
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