Here’s the Explore the Bible Sunday School lesson commentary for August 25, written by Jay T. Robertson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Mobile.
Forty years ago, a Christian band emerged that wasn’t like any other. Stryper was a heavy metal band, complete with long hair, crazy yellow-and-black-striped costumes and loud, highly amplified and aggressive music.
There are currently 5,906 children in foster care, most of which are either under 3 years old or between 14 and 17 years old. How might the Church make a difference for these children, the foster families, the biological families and DHR?
“[Brokenness to Beauty] helps share the message of Jesus by using a simple story format that relates to people’s personal experiences. It makes the gospel easy to understand and relevant, even for those who aren’t familiar with the Bible.”
Eschatology, or the study of end times, can be fascinating and frustrating. Many believers are truly curious about what the Bible says concerning the return of Christ and what follows (and precedes) this glorious biblical promise.
Schuyler Sprowles has written a creative and moving novel that tells the story of a young man from Samaria at the time of Jesus. Through the eyes of this youth named Joshua, we encountered the story of Jesus in a unique and memorable way.