Christian channel continues ministry to Arabs

Christian channel continues ministry to Arabs

CAIRO, Egypt — Arabic Christian satellite channel SAT-7 celebrated its seventh year of broadcasting May 31. The program began in 1996 with only two hours of broadcasting per week. SAT-7 now broadcasts a total of 120 hours of programming every week for Arabic-speaking Christians in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. The organization has more than 100 staff worldwide.

“It was a radical step then for Christians to use such satellite technology in the Arab world. Today this media is no less strategic a tool for sharing the Christian faith,” said SAT-7 Chief Executive Officer Terry Ascott, “and there is still no shortage of great programming ideas or new opportunities for SAT-7. The only difference now is that it is clear to all that this is a strategy that works, and it is therefore easier for people to get involved.” The anniversary was celebrated on air during a special birthday show. The occasion was also recognized at SAT-7’s studio in Cairo, where church leaders and supporters from many denominations met to celebrate the ministry.