Have questions related to managing finances for a church? Then be sure to check out an upcoming three-hour workshop set for June 3 in Birmingham.
The “Small Church, Big Responsibility: How to be Financially Savvy No Matter Your Size” workshop presented by Samford University’s Ministry Training Institute is co-sponsored by the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and The Alabama Baptist newspaper.
It will be held on the third floor of the Cooney-Sullivan Fieldhouse from 9 a.m. to noon.
Samford’s Gary Fenton and SBOM’s Jim Swedenburg will share information on stewardship, budgeting, increasing tithing and basic financial management.
For more information, call 205-726-4055, email mti@samford.edu or visit https://www2.samford.edu/eve/index.php?formid=1643. (TAB)
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