One of the blessings of serving at our office in Johannesburg is the privilege of meeting your International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries who stay at the guesthouse when they arrive on the field. Recently three new families arrived here for orientation before going to meet their teams in various locations in South Africa.
Tom and Bunty Miller, with their three children, have served in Kenya. They will live on the coast in the huge city of Durban, where a large number of Indians reside.
Greg and Hannah Poe, with their two young sons, will serve in Swaziland, a small country steeped in African culture. Its king has several wives, each with her own residence and luxury car. There is a high rate of HIV/AIDS, and many people there live on $1 per day. We are utilizing Baptist volunteers to step up our outreach in Swaziland.
Brenda Toone will live in the Durban area, where she will focus on True Love Waits and HIV/AIDS, leading to a church planting movement.
Pray for new missionaries who continue to respond to the call to present the gospel in the darkest places in Africa.
Pray for the people of Zimbabwe, the country to our north, where thousands of people are homeless and hungry in a humanitarian crisis.
Pray that our IMB missionaries who serve there will know how they can minister under restrictive official guidelines.
Darrell and Elaine Cook
Johannesburg, South Africa
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