County Line Baptist Church, Trafford, celebrated its 125th anniversary May 22.
Pastor Brandon Burroughs preached, and Vickie Wallis provided a presentation of church photos.
Mark209 from Nashville provided special music, and worship leader, Joe Wallis, led congregational singing and shared a solo. Steve Sellers, interim director of missions, presented plaques from the association and the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission. He also delivered greetings from the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes and thanked the church for its giving.
“As I told the congregation I am standing on the shoulders of all the faithful pastors that have come through County Line Baptist Church, and that is something that humbled me as we celebrated this event,” Burroughs said.
“We have members that have only been with the church for two months and we also have members who have been with the church for over 70 years. It was amazing seeing both groups come together and celebrate what God has done in the past, but also looking forward to what God has for our church in the future.”
Families of former pastors were welcomed, and long-time members were recognized. Lunch followed the service.
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