Churches managed by a single staff member — the pastor — or a small number of paid and volunteer workers will want to have a representative at the upcoming workshop on church finances in Birmingham.
The “Small Church, Big Responsibility: How to be Financially Savvy No Matter Your Size” workshop presented by Samford University’s Ministry Training Institute will be June 3 from 9 a.m. to noon. There is no fee to attend and lunch is included.
The event is co-sponsored by the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and The Alabama Baptist newspaper.
Samford’s Gary Fenton and SBOM’s Jim Swedenburg will share information on stewardship, budgeting, increasing tithing and basic financial management.
Biblical understanding
Fenton, senior advancement officer at Samford and retired longtime pastor of Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Birmingham, said the sessions will provide biblical understanding and how-tos related to teaching and preaching on stewardship with confidence.
“Generosity is not a personality trait,” Fenton said. “It is a spiritual discipline.
“Biblical generosity builds community. When people do not hear the call to give, they also may not hear the call to community.
“Paul’s last instructions to the Ephesians, his last quote of Jesus to this group, involves stewardship,” Fenton said. “Lack of stewardship is not lack of faith; often it is rejection — ‘I don’t give because I don’t believe.’”
Resources, consulting
Along with two instructional sessions, participants will have an opportunity for one-on-one consulting and will receive a workbook and resource bag if pre-registered.
Those not pre-registered will receive the workbooks and resource bags on a first-come, first-served basis until supplies run out.
The workshop will be held on the third floor of the Sullivan-Cooney Family Field House (the building on the south end of the football stadium, closest to Lakeshore Parkway and the west campus entrance).
For more information, call 205-726-4055, email or visit
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