Chris Bell said the “pandemic season” has been a tough one. But he knows God has done and is still doing great things with it.
“Two years ago before the pandemic most Americans thought we were bulletproof in a way,” said Bell, lead pastor of 3Circle Church in Fairhope. “The world was stunned we could be brought to our knees so fast. I think that was a really big deal for people to experience, to realize that if everything I’ve already depended on could pull out from under me so quickly, there has to be something else.”
That’s where followers of Christ are able to come in with the truth of the gospel, Bell said.
“I think we’re living in one of the greatest opportunities for the gospel in human history, one of the historic moments for the Church of all time.”
Bell’s church saw that reflected on a recent Sunday evening when they baptized 84 people in the lagoon at Gulf State Park. They typically have a large beach baptism a couple of times a year — at Easter they baptized around 50 — but this is possibly their largest, Bell said.
The Sept. 12 baptism service coincided with baptisms all over the state and Southern Baptist Convention, as churches celebrated the SBC’s Baptism Sunday. For more information, visit
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