Faith-based movies

Faith-based movies

Thank you for the graphic in the June 12 issue of The Alabama Baptist on the United States showing the percentage of people that would like more faith-based movies (see “Moviegoers want more faith-based films, LifeWay study shows,” page 1). 

There are 63 percent in the South (that is us) who would like more. 

That leaves 37 percent that don’t. 

I read that you can judge a man’s character by what he laughs at. The entertainment one seeks also tells the same. 

The graphic gives a lot more information about the sections of the country than just that one issue. 

We see we need to pray first for ourselves;  second for the people of this country.

Thank you for showing us the truth about ourselves. 

Mildred Jacobs
Spanish Fort, Ala.