With all the pageantry and artistry the opening ceremonies are known for, the 2018 Olympics opened in Pyeongchang, South Korea, on Feb. 9.
The events are exciting and the athletes’ stories inspiring, but this Olympics, as you watch people compete in events like curling or skiing or shooting, let it be an opportunity to remember who we are, why we’re here and the eternity to which we are all heading.
Let it be an opportunity to remember that our world is full of billions of living, breathing souls all striving for similar things — to achieve purpose in life, to make their life count somehow.
And let it be a bridge to reach out.
Many of us have neighbors or colleagues from different countries. Invite them over for a meal and watch the Olympics together. Maybe even ask them to bring a dish from their country and share your cuisines. Talk about what sports are like in their country.
The Olympics are an easy topic around which to unite, talk about what we have in common and build relationships. In some way, the games speak to the hearts of everyone on the planet. Use these Olympic games to ask people about their passion in life and what they’re striving for. Ask them what they want their big life achievements to be. Ask them where they find their purpose. Ask them if they’ve ever been disappointed in that quest. Ask if their accomplishments have fulfilled them like they thought they would.
Then after they’ve shared, tell them your own story — about how you were striving for purpose in worldly things before you met Jesus Christ and He gave you a whole new reason for living. Share how your identity rests in Jesus, not in what you might achieve. Sure, humans can learn to do some amazing things, but nothing compares to the purpose we will find in Christ. And nothing we achieve here will ever compare to the prize that He offers us in Himself. Our identity as children of the living God gives us a purpose — we’re compelled by love to be Christ’s ambassadors to the world, imploring them to receive the hope being held out to them in Jesus. (BP)
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