Iraq needs ‘Kingdom families’ says missionary

Iraq needs ‘Kingdom families’ says missionary


PHOENIX- Southern Baptists have an opportunity to change history if they are willing to meet the challenge of being Kingdom families for Iraq, said a missionary who had just arrived from that country.

The missionary, whose name was not revealed for security reasons, spoke to Southern Baptist pastors during their June 15-16 conference in Phoenix.

“The greatest need in Iraq right now is for five Kingdom families who will go and plant their hearts and their lives among the Kurds of the north, the Turkmen of Mosul and Kirkuk, the Sunnis around Tikrit, the ancient church that lives in that area, and the Shiite villages round Karbala and Najev,” the missionary said.

“We need people who will not only go for a little while, but will go and plant their lives and be the kind of families that reach other families and cause the kind of church planting movements that will truly change history there.”