Shining a new beacon of light into a dark world, members of Judson Baptist Church, Andalusia, have dedicated a new sign to their community in the hopes of uplifting those in the church and commuters driving down Highway 55.
The new sign was dedicated on Easter in the memory of Robert Elmore, a member of the church who suffered with Huntington’s Disease.
Hank Roberts, pastor of Judson Church, said Elmore was a shining example of a believer, and he uplifted the members of the church.
When Elmore went to be with the Lord, church members wanted a way to memorialize Elmore in a permanent way.
“This sign sort of shines a light into a dark world,” Roberts said. “This was a way to make [Elmore’s] legacy live on.”
Roberts said the new sign can hold Bible verses, and the sign is facing the highway. When people are driving, they are seeing the Word of God.”
At night, the sign lights up, so everyone can still see the Bible verses no matter what time it is.
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