I can remember my father trying to come to grips with the reality of growing old. He used to say, “Son, you’ll know you’re old when you get together with your friends and all you talk about is everybody’s aches and pains.”
I thought about that the other day as I was sitting with a group of friends and one of them asked how I was feeling. I responded that I was doing better, but still having issues with reflux and hand tremors. Then one of the other guys said, “I can relate to that. My arthritis keeps acting up, especially in my arms and shoulders. Sometimes I can’t lift my arms above my head.” Another chimed in, “I just wish I could find a little energy. I’m so tired all the time. It’s an effort just to get out of a chair.”
RELATED: Check out more stories on faith and culture by Ken Lass.
It suddenly occurred to me that Dad was right. These were my friends, and our main topic of conversation always seemed to circle back to health issues. I guess I have officially reached that stage — dare I say it? I’m getting … old!
I used to think a bunch of people sitting around sharing medical problems would be depressing and sad, and kind of pathetic. Now that I’m an active participant in such discussions, I find the opposite to be true. Somehow, sharing my challenges with others, and hearing about their own trials, offers a kind of unique comfort; an odd but uplifting sense of community. More importantly, it helps drive home the reality that so many others have it so much worse than I do; that I need to take the emphasis off myself and focus more on service to others.
Enduring suffering and hardship
In the Bible, Paul makes the point that it is a privilege to endure suffering and hardship. He says they are opportunities to demonstrate our faith in God’s providence over our lives.
Really? We should welcome and look forward to pain and adversity? Wow. I’ve surely got a way to go to get to Paul’s state of mind. Praying and caring for others seems to be a step in the right direction — we truly are stronger together, especially when life becomes one big headache.
Speaking of headaches, the other day I had this sharp throbbing in my temples …
I can’t wait to tell my friends about it.
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