Many churches form small groups within their congregation to catalyze opportunities for connection and impact. A new analysis from Barna Group suggests tailoring the message of the group to its target age group might increase participation.
Generationally, Boomers are more likely than Millennials to clearly be looking for opportunities to help others (75% vs. 55%) through group participation.
Millennials gather around other signs of curiosity, like a desire to have fun (62% vs. 37% of Boomers), learn something new (58% vs. 34%) or to connect with others over things they like (52% vs. 39%).
This finding comes from Better Together, a partnership project of Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries. The study focuses on the types of people who are taking initiative in their communities — who gather, donate, serve, create, teach, mobilize and innovate, alongside other passionate neighbors, to meet needs around them.
Read more here.
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