Pastors Conference: Nov. 17, First Baptist Church, North Mobile, in Saraland.
Morning Session, 8:30–11:55 a.m.
8:30 Presession music
9:00 Welcome/Altar Prayer Time
9:10 Praise and worship
9:25 Preaching: Gary Enfinger
10:05 Praise and Worship
10:20 Preaching: Paige Patterson
11:00 Praise and Worship
11:15 Preaching: Mac Brunson
11:55 Closing PrayerAfternoon Session, 1:30–4:35 p.m.
1:30 Presession music
1:40 Welcome/Elect Officers/
Altar Prayer Time
1:50 Praise and worship
2:05 Preaching: Mark Foley
2:45 Praise and Worship
3:00 Preaching: James Merritt
3:40 Praise and Worship
3:55 Preaching: Voddie Baucham
4:35 Closing PrayerEvening Session, 6:30–9:00 p.m.
6:30 Presession music
6:45 Welcome/Altar Prayer Time
6:55 Praise and Worship
7:10 Preaching: Fred Luter Jr.
7:50 Praise and Worship
8:05 Preaching: Johnny Hunt
8:45 Praise and Worship
9:00 Closing Prayer
Alabama Network of Christian Community Ministers: Nov. 17, Spring Hill Baptist Church, Mobile. 9 a.m., welcome and devotional; 9:15, discussion; 10:45, “Ministry Evangelism” with Buddy McGohon; noon, lunch; 1 p.m., Project Hope. Reservations can be made by calling Keith Jenkins at 256-546-2980.
Alabama Singing Men and Alabama Singing Women: Nov. 17, Dauphin Way Baptist Church, Mobile. Rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.
Education/Music Association: Nov. 17, Dauphin Way Baptist Church, Mobile. 4:30 p.m., registration and fellowship; 5 p.m., conferences. Conference topics are “Trends in Sunday School” by LifeWay’s Mike Perry and Sharon Smith and “Worship in the 21st Century” by John Chisum, artist and worship seminar leader for Integrity Music. 6:15 p.m., banquet with Chisum as guest speaker and musician. Call Johnny Kilgore at 205-853-4000 for information. Mail check for banquet to Kilgore c/o Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 117 12th Ct NW, Birmingham, AL 35215-6024.
Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship: Nov. 17, First Baptist Church, Mobile, 3 p.m. Theme: “It’s Time to Tell the Story.” Featured speakers are David Hull, pastor of First Baptist Church, Huntsville, and Amy Derrick, CBF Missions staff. For reservations, call 1-888-245-4223 or visit
Directors of Missions: Nov. 17, Spring Hill Baptist Church, Mobile. Noon, lunch; 1-2 p.m., business and program sessions. Cecil Taylor, dean of the School of Religion at UM, will address the role of theology and doctrine in the history of Southern Baptists. Lunch reservations must be made by e-mail at
Samford University: Nov. 18. Samford University Alumni Fellowship after the evening session. Details about the event can be found at the Samford exhibit at the convention.
New Orleans Seminary: Nov. 18, The Crossing at Cottage Hill Baptist Church, Mobile. 5 p.m. Featured speaker will be Charles Harvey Jr. Reservations are required and must be made by Nov. 13 by calling the Alumni Office at 1-800-NOBTS-01, Ext. 3331.
Southwestern Seminary: Nov. 18, The Crossing at Cottage Hill Baptist Church, Mobile. Alumni will meet. For cost information, call 817-923-1921, Ext. 7220.
Baptist College of Florida: Nov. 19, Cypress Room, Mobile Marriott, Mobile. Noon, the Alabama Baptist Convention Friends Luncheon. Call 1-800-328-2660, Ext. 216 for reservations.
University of Mobile: Nov. 18, Cottage Hill Baptist Church fellowship hall, Mobile. Noon, the University of Mobile Alumni and Friends Luncheon. Tickets are available at the UM booth at the convention. UM President Mark Foley will speak, and the Shophar Award will be presented to an Alabama minister for faithful service throughout the years.
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