DENVER — The presidential search committee of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary voted unanimously July 23 to continue their search process, stating they were not yet ready to recommend a candidate. The committee met in Denver July 21–23 for a second interview with a particular candidate.
Chairman Carl Weiser, pastor of Hyland Heights Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Va., had previously announced that the committee was focusing on a particular candidate who would have further interviews. In a statement after the Denver meeting, Weiser said that, while the candidate was spiritually gifted and qualified in many areas, all committee members agreed they should continue to search.
“We are confident that God will lead us to His man for this job. We are determined to wait on the Lord for this important work,” he said.
“God has blessed Midwestern with stability and growth in the past year, so that we can search with due diligence for God’s choice for president,” he continued.
“Thanks go to our staff and faculty for their faithful service. Thanks also to Southern Baptists for their continued prayers for Midwestern Seminary and our search committee.”
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