I was one of many who enjoyed the open house at the new temple in Birmingham built by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The temple is very beautiful, inspiring and impressive. Congratulations to them for glorifying God in such a magnificent manner.
As I drove toward the temple, there were people handing out literature. After seeing it was anti-Mormon, I asked the man what church he belonged to, and he replied, “Central Baptist.” I, too, am a Baptist but do not believe we should stand in judgment of another’s sincere efforts to advance in God’s kingdom. I did not think this was appropriate and certainly not the time or place to hand out this literature.
I believe if Christ were literally in our midst today, He would rebuke us for our shortsighted bickering. We need to encourage one another even when we disagree. We need to see the good that others are doing in God’s name.
One day, when we are all in heaven together, we will discover that many of the issues that divide us now on earth are petty and insignificant.
I pray for other Christians that we might please God in how we serve Him.
Jean Leavelle
Buhl, Ala.
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