I am very deeply concerned with the programs proposed by Southern Baptist Convention President Bobby Welch to achieve one million baptisms. Whereas I appreciate his zeal for evangelism and for reaching out to the lost, I find the setting of numerical goals and the pomp of self-achievements to be fraught with peril.
The mass crusades that have reported hundreds, and even thousands, of conversions per night have not produced long-lasting fruit. Within six months, one can scarcely find less than 10 percent of those “converts” still in the church assembly. Men like Billy Graham admit that 70 percent of the people on church rolls are unregenerate. Less than 20 percent are involved in ministry, less than 10 percent tithe and less than 10 percent will ever share their faith.
We do not need more programs, campaigns and methods to produce more converts that are spurious. Instead the Baptist denomination is in need of more men who will preach the full counsel of the Word regardless of the possible ramifications to their so-called careers and let the Holy Spirit of God convict the hearts of man as He deems fit.
Barry G. Carpenter
Florence, Ala.
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