Every year during the Alabama Baptist State Convention annual meeting several groups gather for their own meeting.
This year’s convention meeting, held Nov. 10–11 at Lakeside Baptist Church, Birmingham, is no different.
Other meetings taking place are:
- Alabama Church Planter Network — The Alabama Church Planter Network will host a dinner Nov. 9, 6 p.m. at the Pete Hanna Center of Samford University in Birmingham. Special guest speaker will be Bob Logan, author of “The Church Planter’s Toolkit” and “Coaching 101.” Worship will be lead by the Chelsea Westover Church worship team and registration will open at 5:30 p.m. To register, visit www.alsbom.org/churchplanterdinner
- Education Music Association (EMA) — EMA will hold its final annual meeting before disbanding Nov. 10 at First Baptist Church, Birmingham. There will be an evening meal and the Paul Stewart Music Ministry Award and the Christian Educator of the Year award will be presented. “Three on a String” will perform and there will be a fellowship meal. For registration information, contact Greg Hollis at 205-446-9965.
- Alabama Network of Christian Community Ministers (ANCCM) — ANCCM will meet Nov. 10, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries office in Birmingham. The event is open to anyone “who ministers in the community through a formal Christian ministry or any Christian who is concerned about your community.” Registration and membership fees are due by Nov. 1. Guest speaker will be Andrew Trezona of Challenge Literature Fellowship.
- Volunteers in Missions — The fellowship meal of Volunteers in Missions will take place Nov. 11, 5 p.m. at Lakeside Baptist. All missionaries present will be recognized as well as the nominees for the 2014 Volunteer of the Year. The winner of the award also will be announced. The North American Mission Board, the International Mission Board and the State Board of Missions’ office of global missions will make presentations. To register, visit www.alsbom.org/vimbanquet by Oct. 24.
- Director of Missions (DOM) — DOMs will meet Nov. 10, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Liberty Park Baptist Church, Birmingham. Andrew Westmoreland, president of Samford University in Birmingham, will be the guest speaker and a meal will be served. Retired DOMs will be recognized and the Alabama Baptist Mission Belles will attend. To register, call Elmore Baptist Association at 334-567-7321.
- Alabama Baptist Pastors Conference — Visit alpastorsconference.com and look for the full story in next week’s issue of The Alabama Baptist.
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