Proud Americans

Proud Americans

Thank you for the excellent “Proud to Be Americans” editorial in the July 3 issue. You were right on target.

It is good to pause from our hectic activities long enough to remember from whence this great nation developed and thank God for such a rich heritage with which we have been entrusted. 

Also, to be reminded of our own opportunity to perpetuate and safeguard this great heritage for the coming generations.

Thank you for sharing the interview you had with Gov. Bob Riley. What a blessing to read the Christian testimony of our fine governor.

The Riley family has been personal friends for many years. Goodness and quality are characteristic of each and every Riley in that family tree. Alabama should be grateful we are blessed with such honest and godly leadership.

Keep up the good work. The Alabama Baptist keeps us informed about local, national and worldwide religious events. Such information challenges personal and corporate dedication to be better and involved witnesses for our Lord.

D.L. “Dan” Ireland
Birmingham, Ala.