

Being a layman and attending my first SBC, I was shocked that so many Southern Baptists voted to change the Baptist Faith and Message.

I realize that the 2000 committee amended their original statement and added words to reinstate soul competency, priesthood of the believer and religious freedom. But then they destroyed those concepts by adding that believers are accountable to each other. As a Christian, I am accountable to Jesus, not my pastor, deacons or fellow church members. I certainly am not going to judge them or hold them accountable to me.

Then to omit the 1963 statement that the criterion by which we interpret the Bible is Jesus is unthinkable to me. The Old Testament states an eye for an eye. Jesus says to turn the other cheek. If I believe that Jesus is right, am I setting Jesus against the Scripture, or am I interpreting the Scripture using Jesus as the criterion.

Mickey L. Murdock
Elba, Ala.