Rockford to host social media, smartphone workshop for seniors

Rockford to host social media, smartphone workshop for seniors

The many functions of today’s smartphones make them powerful and helpful tools, but sometimes the features are less than intuitive. To get the most out of smart devices, users must first understand what they can do and how to use them.

That’s why Rockford Baptist Church is hosting a social media workshop Oct. 24 for senior adults and others who want to know how to better use their smartphones and the tools they offer and stay safe while doing so.

The idea for the training came from questions Rockford pastor Jeff Fuller got during a senior adult revival at the church in early September.

“At the end of the meal, some of the seniors began to ask questions about copying and pasting on Facebook, finding videos from past services at the church and other general questions about social media and their smartphones,” Fuller said. “Then they asked why we didn’t offer something for seniors to educate them on using social media.”

Training workshop

Fuller was already working to improve his church’s social media and online presence with the Center for Congregational Resources at Samford University and TAB Digital Services through The Alabama Baptist.

The seniors’ questions motivated him to plan the Social Media Training Workshop to help smartphone users, especially those adults who did not grow up with the technology, have a better, more complete experience online.

Participants are invited to bring their laptops, smartphones or tablets so they can try out new tips as they are covered.

The highly interactive workshop will address several areas, including:

• Basic social media sharing, including copying and pasting text

• Safe sharing, including security tips and best practices

• Basic smartphone functions, including photo/video recording and sharing

• Online etiquette

• Emergency tips for smartphone users.

The training will be held at Rockford Baptist Church, in Central Baptist Association, Oct. 24, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is provided for the event, but reservations are requested.

For more information or to register, call 256-377-4900 and leave your name and phone number. You can also e-mail Fuller at (TAB)