SBC CP giving ahead of 2002

SBC CP giving ahead of 2002


Year-to-date contributions through the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Cooperative Program are up 1.34 percent compared to this same time frame in 2002, according to a news release from SBC Executive Committee.

As of April 30, 2003, the year-to-date total of $107,173,388.40 for Cooperative Program (CP) Missions is &1,413,939.02 ahead of the $105,759,449.38 received at this same point last year. For the month, receipts of $14,060,616.70 were .31 percent, or $43,447.79, above the $14,017,168.91 received in April 2002.

For the SBC Cooperative Program Allocation Budget, the year-to-date total of $107,173,388.40 is 103.82 percent of the $103,228,067.81 budgeted, of $3,945,320.59 more to support Southern Baptist ministries. The SBC operates on an Oct. 1- Sept. 30 fiscal year.
