For senior adults wanting to fellowship with other Christian seniors or wanting a place where their unchurched friends can hear about God, Sipsey Baptist Association has an event for you. The association will hold its annual senior adult revival June 27–29 at New Hope Baptist Church, Berry.
Meeting from 10:30 a.m. until noon with lunch afterward, the revival will feature Evangelist Phil Waldrep as the guest speaker and Steve Agee as the music leader.
Sipsey Association Director of Missions Henry Trull said the event is a way for the association’s senior adults to gather for good, Christian fellowship. “The association is well-blessed with senior adults,” he said.
The revival also serves as an outreach tool. “You’d be surprised at how many senior adults you come across that are still lost,” he said.
Max Stripling, pastor of New Hope and moderator for the association, agreed. “I think sometimes that’s a group we kind of forget, but that’s a group we need to evangelize just like any other group.”
Stripling noted that the revival is a blessing for pastors who can come and listen to a sermon instead of preaching it.
“It’s a time of refreshing for all pastors who can come,” he said.
Trull noted that since the revival began a couple of years ago, the area’s senior adults “have a better closeness and fellowship than before,” which has even extended to the association’s churches.
Out of that closeness has grown ideas for trips and projects that will give the group more opportunities for ministry.
The latest idea has been to begin a senior men’s ministry, and plans are still being laid for that, Trull noted. (TAB)
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