St. Clair Springs marks 75 years of ministry

St. Clair Springs marks 75 years of ministry

More than 70 people gathered at St. Clair Springs Baptist Church, Springville, Aug. 17 to celebrate the church’s 75 years of ministry. 

At the 10:30 a.m. service, musical guests Ernie Dawson & Heirline, a southern gospel group from Jasper, Tenn., kicked off the festivities. Johnie Sentell, Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative, and Ben Chandler, director of missions for St. Clair Baptist Association, presented commemorative certificates to the church.

Bryan Robinson, who was pastor at the time but has since resigned, brought the sermon, referenced 2 Timothy 4 and encouraged the congregation to fight for the church and for the cause of Christ. 

Among those in the congregation was Gary Leopard, a former pastor of St. Clair Springs Baptist who led the church for more than 30 years. 

A covered dish lunch on the grounds followed the service, re-energizing participants for the afternoon singing and concert.

Vernon Stidham, anniversary committee member, said, “It was good to see old friends.”